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AI digital twins powering the real world

Our Mission

To empower critical industries and infrastructure with trustworthy AI towards global energy sustainability.

AI that Powers the World

Copilot is digital assistant that understands the mathematics of the real world. Our proprietary physics-informed AI digital twin provides a foundation model for complex engineering systems.

How it Works

The real world

The real world

Real world phenomena are governed by the fundamental laws of physics, but becoming too complex and dynamic for traditional human operations.

AI digital twin

AI digital twin

AI digital twins of the real world are trained by, work for, and work with engineering systems, hence "physics-informed".

Foundation model

Foundation model

As much as industries and processes are unique, they share common mathematical formulation which can be trained, learnings transferred, and fined tuned for specific applications.

Insights and solutions

Insights and solutions

Powerful analytics and recommendations that assist and automate critical operational processes.



Natural language interactions augmenting operational dashboards and network views.

Edge intelligence

Edge intelligence

Train centrally and deploy locally for fast, resilient, distributed intelligence.

The real world

The real world

Real world phenomena are governed by the fundamental laws of physics, but becoming too complex and dynamic for traditional human operations.

AI digital twin

AI digital twin

AI digital twins of the real world are trained by, work for, and work with engineering systems, hence "physics-informed".

Foundation model

Foundation model

As much as industries and processes are unique, they share common mathematical formulation which can be trained, learnings transferred, and fined tuned for specific applications.

Insights and solutions

Insights and solutions

Powerful analytics and recommendations that assist and automate critical operational processes.



Natural language interactions augmenting operational dashboards and network views.

Edge intelligence

Edge intelligence

Train centrally and deploy locally for fast, resilient, distributed intelligence.


Trustworthy physics-informed AI

Specialized AI with data, formulas and guardrails from the real world

Continuous insights

Automated situational awareness of real time operating conditions and risks.

Robust against real world data

Real world data are not always perfect to run complex engineering mathematics. Our AI is trained to stand the test of the real world.

Prepared for all things

No longer ad hoc studies, but pretrained across numerous scenarios so you're ready for all things.

Always improving

Data doesn't go one way from planning and design to operations, but continuously learning and improving from in-field experience

Assistant for critical operations

Operating in continuous insights, advisory, supervised autonomous, or full autonomous modes

Applications for the Electrical Grid

The grid is the backbone of the energy transition — a critical infrastructure undergoing profound changes such as from solar, wind, storage, electric vehicles, and data centers. Just like autonomous driving for vehicles, ThinkLabs Copilot brings AI assistance to electric grids for mission critical planning and operations.

Real time situational awareness

Continuous power flow monitoring and state estimation, congestions and voltage violations.

Enable system safety, reliability, and renewable integration.

Asset utilization reporting

Track how infrastructure assets are being utilized under dynamic operating conditions.

Inform capital expenditures and maintenance programs

Automated data validation

Use AI to learn real world models and validate source engineering data.

Save hassle in data cleanup and bolster trust in operations

Optimal solution generation

Generate dispatch solutions to grid constraints and improve grid operations under complex operating conditions.

Drive grid reliability and resiliency, enable a 100% clean energy system.

Experienced Copilot

AI digital assistant trained with grid physics, business rules, standard procedures, and operational experience.

Empower workforce training and upskilling.

Real time situational awareness

Continuous power flow monitoring and state estimation, congestions and voltage violations.

Enable system safety, reliability, and renewable integration.

Asset utilization reporting

Track how infrastructure assets are being utilized under dynamic operating conditions.

Inform capital expenditures and maintenance programs

Automated data validation

Use AI to learn real world models and validate source engineering data.

Save hassle in data cleanup and bolster trust in operations

Optimal solution generation

Generate dispatch solutions to grid constraints and improve grid operations under complex operating conditions.

Drive grid reliability and resiliency, enable a 100% clean energy system.

Experienced Copilot

AI digital assistant trained with grid physics, business rules, standard procedures, and operational experience.

Empower workforce training and upskilling.


Join us in transforming energy sustainability

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